Monday, August 11, 2014

In September of last year, 2013, I was in my 15th week of pregnancy with our 3rd child when I got very sick with the flu. Just as I was recovering, I started to have lots of constant and intense contractions. I didn't realize somehow at the time that I was in labor! My water broke a day later and I got to take an ambulance ride to the hospital. Later that day, on September 15th, I delivered my tiny little baby boy at just 16 weeks. We have named him Harrison Robert Higbee. I know that 16 weeks may not seem like much of a life to some, but I know there was a spirit connected with that little body and it has been a very heartbreaking thing for our family to go through.

When I was in the hospital, a wonderful woman came and took some pictures for us and did feet and hand prints and molds. We received a little blanket and some other little mementos as well that I will always treasure and that have helped along the healing process. In honor of our little Harrison's first birthday this year, I want to gather something to donate to other mothers who have lost a baby or have a baby in the NICU.

There are several ways that you can help.
*See the links on the side for details.

1) If you like to sew, crochet or knit, there are several things that you can make. If you aren't really into that sort of thing, there are also some no sew hats that can easily be made.
2) You could donate money that I will use to get fabric, ribbon and clothing.
3) You could purchase preemie and/or newborn clothing.

Here are some of the needs right now:

- Blankets. Larger sizes are needed right now, like newborn size. But smaller sizes are good too if you want.  

- Preemie or newborn jammies or outfits (Wal-Mart has cute little preemie and newborn items that are a great size and not too pricey but you could get them anywhere).

 **Preferably pastels for both blankets and outfits. Nothing too crazy and loud.

- Little tiny headbands or bows are always needed.
- Little diapers (see links for details).
- Little hats (see links for details).

- Crocheted or sew little gowns. These need to be made with cotton knit fabrics or really soft yarn. See the links or contact me for patterns.

** In order to donate these things in time for Harrison's Birthday, I would like to have them all collected by September 12th. Money donations would be appreciate earlier rather than later so that I can use the money to get the needed supplies before too long.

Thank you so, so much for helping me out on my healing journey!